
Gender Week Festival

Art [] Gender [] Art & LLH Trøndelag
7-11 April 2015
Trondheim, Norway

LLH Trøndelag and Art[]Gender[]Art announce their upcoming collaborative event, Gender Week Festival, to be held in Trondheim 7-11 April 2015. This will be the first festival in Trondheim dedicated solely to celebrating gender diversity with a large selection of events, including art, performances, seminars, workshop and party.

The week is offering a variety of activities available to anyone interested, all free of charge. One of the organisers, france rose, describes the festival as “a safe and dynamic space in which to explore, experiment, and come to understand how gender operates in our daily lives. [It’s] an opportunity that has been largely lacking in Trondheim.” 
Visit genderweektrondheim.com for more information.

                                                                                                             As we use to be, 2012
