
minus20degree 2016

28-30 January
Falchau, Austria

The third edition of minus20degree Art and Architecture Biennale takes place in 
Flachau, Austria, on January 28 – 30, 2016.

Melting is as fear inducing as it is a heroic moment. What brings death to the snowman, strengthens the pasture anew; what ensures the end of the unit, is a new beginning for difference. 

All that is stable and solid appears to gather movement, becoming liquid in order to solidify as a new form. 
This radicalism is inherent in nature and therefore its rural dwellers sense familiarity within. 

 Yet still, or indeed exactly for that reason, they brace their culture in opposition. 
That is precisely why this year’s minus20degree wants to draw out and address the cultural melt.

Twenty-two Artists from sixteen countries are invited to transform the winter landscape into stage, canvas and gallery. 
A path leads through the village and links installations, performances and artworks into a distinct exhibition space. 
For three days Flachau is not only the epicentre of mass tourism, 
but also the focal point for international artistic expression.
  Image by m20d



What does it mean to be human?
Watch and listen these powerful stories about humanity.

Image by Fondation GoodPlanet



To the beauty of every day.
To the lands and the paths which we met.
To the fallen walls and the ones which will fall.
To the great commitments of this year and the ones which will come.
Thank you.
