
Postcards from the Edge

January 31 - February 1, 2015
Luhring Augustine, New York City, NY-USA

January 30, 2015

                                                                                        They Are Labels. We Are Lovers., 2011

The 17th annual Postcards From The Edge exhibition and benefit sale of 
works of art by internationally renowned and emerging artists is the most exciting and 
affordable way to add to your art collection.  

Glad to take part in Postcards from the Edge by Visual AIDS.




22. 1 - 22. 2. 2015 
Vernissage: 22. 1 / h 18:00 - 20:00
Tiger Spot, Genoa, IT

Complement of Gender, photography, 2013


On Thursday 22nd January 2015, in the queue at the weekly Art Meeting point, 
the second exhibition of 2015 from Tiger Spot: "Equality" by Roberta Orlando
The exhibition is part of her research about discrimination on sexual orientation and gender identity.

 Between social, cultural, environmental and political conditions, Orlando investigates the significance and social necessity to label sexual orientation, inviting the viewer to linger on love as it is, without any social conditioning.

  For years the artist is fighting for the recognition of LGBTI rights denied in Italy and many countries around the world. Furthermore there is a considerable controversy in our country, where not only civil unions are not allowed between people of the same sex, but we live in a state of almost total absence of laws against homophobia.

  Audiovisual producer and artist, specially in installative and performative contemporary art, Roberta works with photography, video and live media between Europe and United States.

The documentation of this artistic path continues to be presented in the world, receiving considerable attention and 
acclaim to those issues that are part of human rights before everything else.

Inaugurerà giovedì 22 gennaio in coda all’Art Meeting point settimanale la seconda mostra del 2015 targata Tiger Spot: “Equality” di Roberta Orlando. La mostra raccoglie parte della ricerca intrapresa dall’artista 

in merito alla discriminazione per l'orientamento sessuale e l'identità̀ di genere.

Da sempre impegnata in tematiche sociali, culturali, ambientali e politiche, la Orlando indaga attraverso il suo lavoro 
sul significato e la necessità della società di etichettare l’orientamento sessuale delle persone, invitando lo spettatore 
a soffermarsi sull’amore in quanto tale, slegato da ogni condizionamento sociale. 

L‘artista lotta da anni per il riconoscimento dei diritti negati in Italia e in molti paesi del mondo alle persone LGBTI, 
tema particolarmente controverso nel nostro paese, dove non solo non è consentita l’unione civile tra persone dello stesso sesso, ma viviamo in una condizione di quasi totale assenza di norme in materia di contrasto all’omofobia. 
Produttrice e artista audiovisiva, soprattutto nell’ambito installativo e performativo dell’arte contemporanea, 
Roberta lavora con la fotografia, video e live media tra Europa e Stati Uniti.

La documentazione di questo percorso artistico continua ad essere presentata in tutto il mondo, ricevendo 
notevoli attenzioni e consensi verso quelle tematiche che, prima di ogni altra cosa, sono parte dei diritti umani.




January 16th - 18th 2015
Institut für Alles Mögliche, Berlin, DE

                                                                                                                       BOF, video, 2014

 How many megabytes does an artpiece consist of? 
How much “free space“ does a USB-device provide? Is a USB-stick a place of culture? 
Is it an exhibition space? Are multiple usb-sticks an exhibition - or even an art fair?

These are only some of the questions that this format of the „USB-SHUFFLE-SHOW“ is pointing out. 
The focus is on exploring wether the digital space in pocket format is usable as a space for arts and culture and 
if so how this might look like. Aside from trying to rethink the artistic space, the show aims to provoke questions 
concerning copyrights, curatorial gestures and participation. It is meant to enable a dialogue in which boundaries between the artistic work, the curatorial practice and the role of the beholder is shifted and can be redefined.


Aus wie vielen Megabytes besteht ein Kunstwerk? Wie viel (Frei-) Raum bietet ein USB-Stick? 
Ist ein USB-Stick ein Kulturort? Oder vielleicht ein Ausstellungsraum? 
Sind mehrere USB-Sticks eine Ausstellung? Oder sogar eine Kunstmesse?

Diesen und weiteren Fragen widmet sich das Format "THE-USB-SHUFFLE-SHOW". 
Es soll untersucht werden, inwieweit sich der digitale Raum im Hosentaschenformat 
als ein Ort für Kunst und Kultur eignet. Im Fokus der Veranstaltungen stehen neben dem Versuch 
den künstlerischen Handlungsraum neu zu denken auch Fragen nach Urheberschaft, 
Einzigartigkeit und Interaktivität des Werkes sowie der kuratorischen Geste.

BOF will be shown at USB-SHUFFLE-SHOW.




photography, 2015

Above or underneath. Through fire or water.
A place where to climb on floating peaks.
As thin as hair. No rumors or signs.
Does it burn? Does it freeze?
It still moves on.

Kletterei is a composition of frames and surfaces which run 
between analog and digital with a detail to ruined structures.



Every simple day [preview]

Every simple day
photography, 2014

The documentation of a brief moment between two women.
Work, travel, activism and life.

The semplicity of their relationship like everybody else in their uniqueness.
Strengths and brittleness of two minds and bodies.
From a first research of balance to the fusion of shapes without recognition.

A portrait of love and nothing else.

Every simple day is the series made with the collaboration of
Croatian activists Karla Horvat Crnogaj and Milena Zajović.
