
TEOREMI - Performance Festival [Video]

Teoremi is the first Italian performance festival aimed at fighting discrimination based on 
sexual orientation and gender identity. It took place at the Villa Croce Contemporary Art Museum of Genoa, 
on Thursday 12th, including performances in the city centre and Palazzo Ducale on Friday 13th, 
and final party with Hard-Ton (Dj Wawashi) in the museum on Saturday 14th of June 2014.

The festival included works by canecapovolto, Tiziana Contino, exvUoto teatro, Kyrahm & Julius Kaiser, Ruben Montini & Alexander Pohnert, Mona Lisa Tina. Curated by Giulia Casalini and Roberta Orlando. 

Collaboration and co-production CUNTemporary and Archivio Queer Italia.

Performances shown (in order):

Mona Lisa Tina, Io non ho vergogna (Porto Antico)
Tiziana Contino, Mimesi/Metessi (Villa Croce)
Kyrahm & Julius Kaiser, L'obsolescenza del genere (Villa Croce)
exvUoto teatro, Toccata e fuga per coniglio solo (Palazzo Ducale)

Video edited by Diana Georgiou.
