

 FWD>>Nr.13 Groupshow Oberkirch
25.April - 10.May 2014
Sursee, CH

Freitag 25.04. 19h: Vernissage (The  Artists are in house)

Samstag 3.05. 17h: Literatur mobil: Lyrik und Improvisation Pius Strassmann
Samstag 10.05. 16h: PerformanceArt & Finissage
Performaces ab 16h
Finissage 19h

Open Hours: Fr 19-21h / Sa & So 13-17h
Former AMAG garage at Oberkirch/Sursee. 

In cooperation with Conny Wagner, Sursee
Train to Sursee, take Bus No.65, till Busstop "Feldhöfli"

Visual Artists: Bucheli Sandra, Feuchter Meinrad, Fiorini Chiara, Gassmann-Nijskens Els, Gut Martin, Häller Daniel, Heinze-Grohmann Kerstin, Laeser Laura, Seidel Marc Philip, Walther Claudia, Zurfluh Manuel

Performace Artists: Roberta Orlando, DisTanz (Beatrice Im Obersteg & Markus Lauterburg), 

Daniel Häller, Laura Laeser, Der Kotelett, & Specialguests

Also the legendary ArtpriceOmat of Martin Gut.

 - - -

one_one will be presented at FWD>>Nr.13.

The participation will be supported by:

Direzione Generale per il paesaggio, le belle arti,l’architettura e l’arte contemporanee
Direzione Generale per lo spettacolo dal vivo
GAI - Associazione per il Circuito dei Giovani Artisti Italiani



Urban Research @ OnCurating

This Urban Research program selected by Eleonora Stassi deals with 
the key words "Aktivism", "Urban Tools", "Visions" and "Stories".

bright berlin lights will be shown during Urban Research @ OnCurating, Zurich, CH.



Natures 11

                                                                                                                         Real Boundary of Self, 2013

April 15. 2014 - April 20. 2014 (19.00) 
Bežigrad Gallery 2, Ljubljana, SI

 Real Boudary of Self will be shown during Natures 11.
Glad to take part of it, work by me and Asa Shimada (JP/NO).



Deep Trash Italia



Friday 2nd May 2014

Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club, East London, UK


DEEP TRASH ITALIA is a fundraiser club night with art exhibitions and performances, in support of Archivio Queer Italia – the first Italian platform for queer art, theory and activism. This unprecedented event will take over the epic East London venue Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club on the 2nd of May 2014.


All profits from this event will be used to fund Teoremi - the first Italian festival against discrimination of sexual orientation and gender identity, organised by Archivio Queer Italia. The festival will take place on 12-14 June at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Genova (Villa Croce), Italy.

Tickets can be purchased online at this link


Facebook event

CONTRIBUTE TO THE KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN at this link (ends 1st May at midnight) 


   Info & Details

 Image by Archivio Queer Italia and CUNTemporary.




TEOREMI - Performance Festival

The first performance art festival against discriminations based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Italy.

The Contemporary Art Museum of Genoa, Villa Croce, on Thursday 12, Friday 13, and Saturday 14 June 2014 will host TEOREMI - the first Italian performance festival aimed at fighting against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

Teoremi festival invites guests, performers, and spectators to an interactive moment of reflection around discrimination within the Italian territory, specifically focusing on the homophobic and transphobic behaviours that haunt the country. 

Inspired by Pier Paolo Pasolini’s film Teorema, the festival’s title refers to the possibility of reformulating those behavioural and ethical postulates the “theorems”, which unfortunately, in Italy, still connect factors of culture and “traditional values” to continuous discrimination within its own community. The festival also finds itself in a relevant historical and social time, since it contributes to promoting visibility and respect of LGBT rights around the world. 

The 17th of May is also the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) and 
during the month of June, popular “Pride” events are held globally 
(The next Pride in Rome will take place on the 7th June 2014). 

During three days of performance, the festival will showcase the works of artists whose productions reflect these problematic matters from an Italian perspective: a video work by canecapovolto and performances by 
Tiziana Contino, exvUoto teatro, Hard-Ton & Gaia Brigida, Kyrahm & Julius Kaiser, 
Ruben Montini & Alexander Pohnert, Mona Lisa Tina. 

Teoremi festival is an initiative founded by Roberta Orlando, visual artist and gender studies researcher, and Giulia Casalini, curator and founder of the Archivio Queer Italia project, in collaboration with 
CUNTemporary (non-profit organisation based in London). 

The festival aims at becoming a regular appointment during the summer period, 
touring around Italy year after year and showcasing new artists and theorists.

Please support TEOREMI on Kickstarter and spread the word.

Thank you!


Liberty for O.


A great, simple and powerful demonstration, a pleasure to join.


Discrimination of gays in Nigeria - The case of mister O.

O is from Nigeria and has been living in Switzerland for the last 3 years. 
He can still hardly believe the upheaving turn that his life has taken 7 years ago. 

Pictures by Liberty for O.




video, 10', 2014

Let's take a seat.
How much absurdity is surrounding you?
