
ArtVerona 2013 - Independents

                                                                                                                            Image by ArtVerona

10th - 14th Oct.
Fiera ArtVerona, Verona, Italy

ArtVerona 2013 (Independents section) will host Archivio Queer Italia/Queer Archive Italy:
a programme that will shake the usual art fair format through a continuous and
unexpected series of performances, presentations, discussions, videos and installations.
The programme revolves around the theme of queer non-normativity within and outside
the space of the fair.
ArtVerona 2013 (sezione Independents) ospiterà Archivio Queer Italia: un programma che
 sconvolgerà il consueto formato fieristico attraverso una serrata e inaspettata serie di performance,
 presentazioni, discussioni, video e installazioni. Il programma si svilupperà attorno al tema della
 non-normatività “queer”, dentro e fuori lo spazio fieristico.

                                                                                                      A sound used in speech, 2013

A sound used in speech will be performed twice.
Everybody is welcome to take part of it.
Let's create a new sense.
